Saturday, June 18, 2011

This Week in Talia News

Sorry, little late in posting news... well, for the whole month I guess.

Michelle Muto interviewed me for her blog: Michelle Muto. While you're there, check out her book.

I finished the first draft of book #5. I put it aside for a few weeks. Then I'll go back to it and do my first edit, send it out to some readers, and do another edit.

I've been brainstorming more on book #6 and #7.

I'm also contemplating hiring an editor, but so far the prices are way too high.

Damaged still out sells any of the other books. If I Die Young comes in second. The Ultimate Sacrifice continues to come in last, but I'm hoping that since 80 people downloaded it using the coupon, maybe - just maybe - I'll get some more reviews, feedback, and word of mouth.

In the meantime, when the sales are up, I'm skipping around the house and when they're down, I remind myself that I write for me. I like telling stories, even if I'm the only one that ever reads them :)

G'nite World!!

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